India is in Lockdown for 21 days since 23rd March, Government ordered to close all the malls, cinema halls, public transport and canceled all kinds of social and religious events. More than 1400 Corona positive cases found till now and 38 deaths recorded.
But it seems some people and a section of society are not taking it seriously even they don’t want to follow any instructions. In Delhi’s Nizamuddin area 1500-1700 people gathered in the Markaz of Tablighi Jamaat – An Event organized to Spread the Knowledge of Islam. It was continued till 25th March even after the lockdown announced.
The merciless case of Tablighi Jamaat in Nizamuddin came to light when a 64-year-old man died in Delhi. This person was found corona positive. After this 33 people were admitted, some of which turned out to be Corona positive. After getting the news Government taken the action and get to know that around 2000 people gathered in this event. Many of them still living in the Markaz, around 1033 people rescued till now.
A team of doctors went there for the inspection and found many of them with the symptoms of the Novel Coronavirus. 334 people have been sent to the hospital, while 700 people have been sent to the Quarantine Center. Till now 24 of them found Corona Positive. In Telangana also 6 people who died because of coronavirus attended this event.
People from 15 countries had come to the Markaz of Jamaat located in Nizamuddin. There are many countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka. The highest number of people came from Indonesia. According to sources, 800 people stayed in Markaz, Indonesia. Now their investigation has started.
Of the Jamaat-based in Nizamuddin, 9 people died from Corona. Among those who died were people from Telangana to Kashmir. After this there has been a stir in the whole country. Every state has issued an alert. People from the Jamaat are being searched. About 200 people have been quarantined in Telangana, while 800 people have been identified in Tamil Nadu.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal ordered a police case against the Markaz Nizamuddin mosque administration over negligence that has endangered hundreds of lives.