corona virus

Russia Claimed to Developed World’s First Covid19 Vaccine, Announced by Putin

Russia's President Vladimir Putin announced on Tuesday that his country has made the first vaccine for the corona virus. Vladimir…

5 years ago

A Religious Event in Delhi’s Nizamuddin Markaz Put Thousand of Indians on Coronavirus Risk

So far 24 people present in the Markaj of Tabligi Jamaat located in Nizamuddin, Delhi have been found Corona positive.But…

5 years ago

Not Only Kanika Kapoor Some More Incidents Proved That We Indians are Responsible For Increasing Corona Cases

How careless we are, one side where the whole world struggling with the corona crisis we Indians are hiding the…

5 years ago

Third Death From Coronavirus in India – Maharastra’s 64 Year Old Men Died

Coronavirus cases increasing in India, Until now 128 Confirmed cases in which 3 Died and 13 Recovered. Currently, India is…

5 years ago

Coronavirus India Outbreak Live Updates: 28 Infected so Far, 50 people applied for investigation in Agra

Corona's knock in India has created panic. After the emergence of new cases in Delhi-NCR, the actions of the Center…

5 years ago