nirbhaya case

Nirbhaya Rapist Hanged: Checkout How PM Modi and People Reacts on Twitter

Many times the hanging was also postponed but finally, on Friday the four convicts were hanged at Tihar Jail in…

5 years ago

Finally All 4 Nirbhaya Case Culprits to be Hanged Tomorrow 5:30am, Death Warrant Not Stopped

The much awaited day of Nirbhaya Case's Culprits Hanging finally came after a long wait. Yet a 8 year-long wait…

5 years ago

Nirbhaya’s Rapist Filed Mercy Plea Said – People Dying of Polluted Air and Water, Why Hanged?

Akshay Kumar, convicted in the Nirbhaya rape case, has filed a review petition in the Supreme Court. Akshay, who has…

5 years ago