Vadodra Man Thrashes his Wife and Break her Spine After Several Defeats in Online Ludo

The popularity of online games increased during the lockdown period. Most of us and our friends spending their time playing online games like ludo, pubg, etc. But the women would never be expected such end of online ludo while playing with her husband.

After several defeats, a 24-year old husband got irate and beaten his wife mercilessly in Vadodra. The woman suffered serious spinal injuries due to the beating.

As per the news source, the woman requested her husband to play a game online ludo on the phone. He agreed but after losing to his wife 2-3 times he beat her up.

The man works in a private electronics company while the woman gave tuitions to complement his income as they had to pay off a home loan.

A counselor from 181 Abhayam said the man warned that physical harassment is a crime and he could be jailed if his wife complains. The man apologized to his wife who did not wish to register an official complaint and agreed to return with him. A written undertaking was also taken from the couple.

The woman was taken to an orthopedic surgeon and post-treatment, she decided to stay with her parents instead of going back to her husband.


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