Another actor has committed suicide in Mumbai. The body of actor Sameer Sharma, who has worked in many famous TV serials, has been found hanging from the fan in the house. Sameer has worked in serials like ‘Yeh Rishta Hai Pyaar Ke’, ‘Because Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’, ‘Kahani Ghar-Ghar Ki’. It is believed that he committed suicide two days ago. However, no suicide note has been found yet.
Sameer Sharma was living alone in a house in Malad in Mumbai. Sameer Sharma was struggling with some serious illness. Because of this, he was also having some problems. However, he recovered later and returned to his work. The Mumbai Police is investigating the entire case.
Sameer Sharma, 44, died by hanging himself at his house in Neha CHS Building in Malad West. According to the police, the actor committed suicide 2-3 days ago. Because when the police arrived inside the flat, the body had started decomposing. Sameer had rented this apartment in February this year.
During night duty on Wednesday, the watchman saw Sameer Sharma’s body hanging. Sameer’s body was hanging from the fan in the kitchen. Police has not received the suicide note. The search operation of the entire house is being done. The police is also investigating the financial angle in this case.